Archive for August 16th, 2009


Oh slow-mo,

That's the way I've been feeling lately, like everything is fishbowl friendly and moving like a remora sucking algae off an aquarium wall. So lets get the business out of the way. Auntie Dorothy and yours incredulously cordially invite you to the thirteenth annual fiftieth birthday party of some poor schmucks who are turning sixty two. Don't get me wrong, i like the aging process, especially in wine, mango trees, cheese, single malt scotch and editorialized life stories. Its applying the template of time to myself that just somehow doesn't seem fair. Know what i mean? And yet , the end of another year approacheth like a foil destined for the heart of Hamlet. I've broken all the mirrors in the house in preparation.

There will be music and fine potlucking at the sumptuous Rainbow Acres high atop Rockefeller plaza in downtown olinda. The festivities begin at 5pm and go until Grimes pops out of the cake and has sex with a blowup doll in the midst of a frenzy of flying icing. Don't know about you but I wouldn't miss it, 'cause to pass up a free meal these days is chust cwazy.

Now, for the less frivolous news; there is this one leghorn that is most assuredly the runt of the batch. She's pint size for her age and in serious danger whenever competing for feed is involved. Soooo, we decided that it might be wise to give her a shot at the full free range spectrum, not unlike Smartypantz. We let her out to roam for the day. She seemed to do fine until the evening feeding time came and i went into club Leghorn to dispense the goods. So intent was the runt at getting back in to be with her abusive sisters that she literally pushed her way through a slight breach in the chicken wire and merged with the flock. We've named her Cinderella and wish her luck.

Ty arrived yesterday with tales of howler monkeys, senorita's and coconut moonshine. He shows the signs of self assurance that are the ultimate comfort to a parent, and in spite of marking a transition to independence of thought, speech and action we are very much on the same page and remain devoted to the lunatic fringe with its many and varied creative sideshows. We have three days of the crater ahead and look forward to clearing a few cobwebs from the attic.

I was told on Friday that our application for ag. water rates had been approved and its as though an area of creativity in my mind that had been put on hold for over a decade decided to make its way sheepishly into the light of day and quietly ask, "for real"? Apparently so. Put simply, we get to use twice as much water for half the price we presently pay, which should forestall the anxiety attacks that have plagued me whenever the hills turn brown. I look forward to a more relaxed and productive time ahead. I'm off to pack for the crater. See you at the party. Peace, Jp

herb-lemon-verbena big-boy-blushing pesto-garden vegie-purple-fava vegie-red-russian-kale purple-tomatillo
Farm Stuff Blogzzz
August 2009
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rain or shine
Lunar cycle

Waxing Gibbous Moon
Waxing Gibbous Moon

The moon is currently in Leo
The moon is 10 days old