People, like cows are ruminants too, only people chew their thoughts and emotions over and over using a variety of "digestive" mechanisms in an attempt to come up with byproducts which nurture and nourish inner worth and outer connections in and attempt to create networks which envision and build models of behaviour that reflect that worth and grow those connections; hopefully in the direction of love, trust, wisdom, shit like that. Inner worth without outer connections wanders blind. Outer connections without inner worth are meaningless. We chew and chew the collective cud of our zietgiest, our raison d'etre and continue to come up a day late and a dollar short.
At this point its not so much about getting behind the curve a bit, its more like missing the curve entirely going a buck sixty, careening through a guard rail and for one blissful, collective human moment thinking that the feeling of flying through space into an abyss of unknown depth and certain death is kinda cool. You know, you can shut the engine off and just feel the breeze blowin' and your tummy rise up to meet the free fall, and its so quiet and peaceful, and because you know you're doomed, you can finally relax.
Now in the days of the somewhat sustainable family farms of the past it was good to be a cow. Maybe not worshipped like their bovine yogi cousins (western cows being too fat to sit lotus), but prized for their ability to provide so many things necessary to living well. Why there's milk and meat and butter and ghee and cheese and hides and manure and pasture management and the pipi's are so cute when they're not all freaked out by being crammed into paddocks too small for half their numbers, fed rendered animal parts, gmo grains, bovine growth hormone and antibiotics, stand around in their own feces and wait, either to be machine milked or stamped u.s. grade A. La vache qui rit. Not laughing so loud now, are ya?
In the day of the sustainable family farm, keen observation served to unite all the necessary components needed to thrive. Components joined together in service to the whole and which, when cared for would produce surpluses galore while paying homage to the land.
Now, we're all left out of the process. Compartmentalized like so many cuts of meat packaged and sealed with no sense of the whole animal in sight. Out of touch with the mostly gruesome realities of food supply and ecological degradation taking place on a massive scale worldwide.
The collective political/financial brain trust of the world has, in large part done what some dreadspected they would do, which is to smile and then with a somewhat stern look say, "there there, be courageous, the banks will make everything better", and then go about looting lives like they were so many gun shops after a flood.
Not fair, you say. Saturated with the slimey rancid sebacious stench of greed wearing Old Spice, you say. Don't worry, says I, there will be bigger and better superhero movies coming this summer to see us through the free fall and give us a sense of hope shimmering behind the selective seretonin reuptake inhibitors.

Did I mention that we have eggs now? We do, and they're pretty. We got shades of white and brown and some with speckles and some that are blue (see pic). When Doc Bebockboc returned from Romania with what he told me would be the answer to all my prayers, I recieved the news with a certain skepticism. He said that this famous underground chemist guy name of Bi-lacho Bengalo, who writes a blog in code had given him the code in the town of Judetul Covasna after testing his trustworthyness in ways that he said would make a jaded longshoreman pass gas. He told the doc to go to the site and retrieve an article from the archives entitled: "Jesus, messiah or jewboytoy". So he did. He said that once the encryption was undone it revealed a formula made from readily available household chemicals that would render any animal totally receptive to suggestion.
So we rigged up a device that we strapped on the smallest wwoofer on hand, stuck a bunch a feathers in her hair and clothing and after spiking their water with the hypnotic amalgm, sent her into the A.F.B.W.A. (asylum for birds with amnesia). She proceeded to strut around like the new sheriff in town and when she had their attention, squatted down and pulled a string on the device that gave the appearance of an egg isssuing forth from her ass. She did her best rendition of the bbbboooocccc bebocccbocc sound that they make passing an egg and continued to strut around "laying" eggs until the supply ran out. She then kicked up some dust with her rebocks and exited in a huff. Apparently they got the message. Within days we were getting more than a dozen colorful eggs a day. While not permitted to give you the proportions, the ingredients are lemon pledge, handi wipes, dr pepper and clearasil. I'm gonna try it on my imaginary girlfriend tonight. She's been kind of distant lately.
We've got a fresh harvest of WWoofs headed our way. Two on board now (a lovely couple from Iceland who are traveling with twelve suitcases full of money so they can buy oatmeal and seaweed) and two more on the way (one from boulder where she's an environmental planner, and one from nocal without much experience, but she's 21, so heh). We'll be wailing on the summer vegetable gardens, laying down ferts and mulch, starting seed, pruning and prettifying. Firing up the Froozie maker sometime this week to lay in a fresh batch. Got a bunch of basil starts popping and intend to amp up the department of pesto to a cabinet position.
What else.................oh, yeah, the more you come, the more we'll grow. Peace, Jp