Lets see, we've got atemoya, avocado, some citrus, papaya, jaboticaba, soursop, raw coffee beans, plenty of greens and herbs as well as House of Yumm pesto, chocavopousse, tomatillo salsa and froozies. The eggs are trickling in so i'm hoping that within a couple of weeks we'll start to have some to sell. We're open by appointment any time of day although I encourage shopping in the morning or later in the day when the veggie leaves are at there crispy best. 878-6287
Nurse Brandy took off today leaving a super secret recipe for turnovers and tracers of twinklemoan in her wake. She's on assignment in Boulder where she will be participating in a triage operation to treat patients with advanced cases of narcissitic rage. Those who are too far gone will be allowed to sit mindlessly in front of t.v.s that no longer work, clicking a remote which solicits no response but to display a commercial for American Idol over and over again, creating a perfect state of equilibrium between useless wanting and endless waiting. Those still coherant will be read Dr. Seuss stories while on morphine drips. She doesn't know what will come next for her, but has promised to keep us posted as to her whereabouts worldwide, which I look forward to sharing.
The more you come, the more we'll grow, Peace out, Jp
"Hi, this is Margie at Ahdeel Powtry, how may ah hep you?" "Yes, I bought some birds which you shipped last month and the Leghorns seem to be eating each other. I mean literally. Are they cannibals or what?" (jokingly) "Oh yes sir, they ahr." "Really?" (incredulously) "Oh yes sir. Once they git the taste of bloooood, they cain't stop." "But the Reds are so docile and calm and don't even seem to shit as much. Is there anything I can do, because this is totally unacceptable." (In kind but firm tones) "Well sir.....................hold on, ah'll ask." "O.K." "Yes sir, the owner Jerry sayd that you need to get some of that Camphophenic, just like the kind you have in your medicine chest aind paint that awn the birds, or just get one a' them big ol' toenail clippers and clip their beaks off. He says that the production Leghorn are fiesty like that." "I'm sorry, we don't mutilate our birds here and don't you think it would be appropriate to tell your clients about a habit like that? I mean, do they behave that way as adults, or do they grow out of it?" "Hold awn sir, ah'll ask... O.k. sir, yes, Jerry says they are like that as adults as weyll."At this point a time out was called for, so I reached for the last of the animal tranks that Doc had slipped me and knocked it back with some Johnny Black as I mumbled that i'd phone back in a few days and we could talk about it. She said they "wanted to be of hep if they coood." Phew, what a relief. I was going to send you photos of exposed and bloodied flesh, documentary style, pointing out the dangers of hybrids pushed to the edge, but opted for recovery room shots instead. Nurture over nature. We've started reading the "Greenleaf guide to Vegan Cookery" to them and have some "Ghandi on nonviolence" tapes in the mail.