John Pollock has been a student and practitioner of Permaculture since 1982 when he studied with Bill Mollison and is certified in both basic and advanced site design and development. Workshops for children and adults have been ongoing for the past 25 years.
Along with an ever changing and never ending flow of WWOOFers (Willing Workers on Organic Farms), we're getting a grip on living well.
"The conscious design and maintenance of agricultural ecosystems that have the diversity, stability and resilience of natural systems and seeks the harmonious integration of landscape and people providing food, energy, shelter and other material and non material needs in a sustainable way."One might say that we are trying our best to give up any sense of being in control of what we create here and instead to initiate projects which are well thought out, watch how they evolve and apply the wisdom of our observations over time to ever more productive and functional designs. These designs will continue to yield food, fuel, building materials, medicinals, fertilizers, biological pest controls, seed, mulch, compost, habitat and a lifestyle choice central to creating abundance while avoiding negative impacts whenever possible. Our hope is that the net result of our efforts will provide an opportunity for people to connect with the good food grown here and participate in educational programs designed to bring these methods and practices to the public. As the mindful element in this weave of living interactions, we seek as deeply as anything to discover the meaning of being human. No small task, but for us, the name of the game.